We bring our passion for music with our own songs
We let them know that we think about them
We met at the end of 2021. We started to write our songs. We played them acoustic—just a guitar and voice. After a while, we just practiced, but it would be so nice if there could be more interesting than what we already had. Last year, our house had to be renovated, which took up much of our time. In our spare time, we played our songs. We decided that we would try to give our songs more body this year. There should be more instruments, and we bought a laptop and a program. We built a small studio in a room in the house. It is also a place to sing at night. Nobody can hear a thing.
We first saw the fires in Greece, which inspired me to write about it. I made a draft for the song, but we were busy with the house, and time passed.
Then, we heard about the terrible fires in Los Angeles. We felt so much for the people who lost family members, friends, and everything they had. Imaging that gave us awful feelings. Everything can be gone in so little time and can happen to anyone. It must have been a horrible experience. We put all our power into the song to express our feelings about what happened there. It is not perfect, but I hope it gives those involved a better sense, knowing that people are feeling with them on the other side of the earth. They are not alone.
We often think about a fire that can be extinguished but never about losing everything. People lose loved ones, their homes, the school for the children, people´s existences, firms, jobs, their neighborhoods, everything.
It´s not perfect and made in our home studio, but we wanted it to go in the air so people could feel better knowing that others think of them.
Our own compositions reflect our inspiration and creativity. Each song tells a unique story.
We try to compose our songs with a lot of pleasure.
We combine different styles of music to create a unique sound experience.
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